Great Expectations

The Great Expectations method is an approach to teaching that includes the very best of what is known about teaching today.  GE teachers use whatever it takes to teach students.  The basic tenets of the GE method are:

  • All children can learn
  • High Expectations
  • Building Self-esteem
  • Climate of Mutual Respect
  • Teacher Attitude and Responsibility
  • Teacher Knowlege and Skill

GE teachers believe that "all children can learn" regardless of background, race, disability... The job of the GE teacher is to find a way to teach that child and to believe in that child's ability to learn.  "Building self-esteem" is key in helping these students believe that they are capable of learning and motivating them to try.  Students must see that we have "high expectations" of them.  When we set high expectations, they will respond by reaching upward to those goals.  If we set low expectations, they will respond by doing nothing.  The GE teacher will show the child the respect that they desire to receive.  Modeling is a very important part of this method.

Great Expectation Classroom Practices

The following is a brief overview of some of the practices found in a Great Expectations classroom.

  • Life Principles
    Life principles are character traits that we would like students to begin "living".  Developing character in students can be done through the use of classic literature, poetry, quotations, words of the week, or as themes.  We will cover the 17 Life Principles as words of the week throughout the school year.  For example, a word of the week might be courage.  During that week, we would talk about what courage is, how we show courage.  We would hope that as your children begin to recognize that trait, they would also begin to "live it".
  • Rise and Shine
    Rise and Shine is a way to create a fresh beginning EVERY day.  At Mills we have a school-wide Rise and Shine assembly every Monday morning to start off the week.  The rest of the week Rise and Shine is done in the classroom.  Rise and Shine is an opportunity for students and the teacher to celebrate excellence and begin each day on a positive note.  In my classroom, students are responsible for conducting our Rise and Shine.  This provides them with an opportunity to speak in front of a group, be a leader, and make decisions. Our Rise and Shine ceremony includes:
  • Magic Triad
    The "Magic Triad" is a smile, a kind touch, and a kind word.  These have a powerful effect on children and adults alike.  The smile, touch, and kind words bring people closer together, create a caring atmosphere, and reduce discipline problems tremendously.
  • Celebrations
    Good feelings come from the positive impact of others.  One way to have this positive impact is to cheer students to success.  Celebrating little successes are important ways to create a "specialness" within a child.  Why do we celebrate students?


    • It builds self-esteem.
    • It shows appreciation for accomplishments made.
    • It helps students learn to appreciate others.
    • It creates a feeling of "specialness".
    • It encourages children to take risks.

Our class rules are the 8 Expectations for Great Expectations

  • We will value each other as unique and special individuals.
  • We will not make fun of a person's mistake nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
  • We will use good manners saying please & thank you, excuse me & put others first.
  • We will cheer each other to success.
  • We will encourage each other to do our best.
  • We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
  • We will help one another whenever possible.
  • We will practice the Life Principles.